Right on 23 in south Eg village, about three weeks ago, a VERY BIG bear broke onto my screen porch and then through the glass doors to the mud room. Took the basket of bird seed outside, ate it, and came back for the second basket, but by then I was up, and used an airhorn to move him out of the house, littered with seed and glass and blood, as the poor guy had knicked himself getting through the glass. However, he came back the following night, and it was then I realized it was a new bird seed - Fruit and Berry - that had "called" to him. It smelled like fruit jam and I wondered why they had made it so pungent as birds can't smell. I also wonder if WildBird knows that their fruity odors are a bear magnet? Took the rest to Jug End and dumped it and haven't seen him since. Sorry if he headed south Terry.
Whoah, Susan! That is even more harrowing than my own story. My bears were a sow and a yearling so it doesn't sound like the same clan. If ever I needed a reason not have a bird feeder, you have surely given it to me!
You see I love my birds, and it wasn't the feeders. He didn't touch them.It was the particular seed, Fruit and Berry, I am sure. I have my feeders up all year, but never had anything like this!!! And I think the airhorn is a bit kinder than bleach, should it spill, it could have driven the baby away from her, I want to use the shortest, and least invasive methods for any invasives that come my way - big or small. And hopefully they are in the mountains now enjoying this great weather. happy summer.
I have neighbors who had a large sealed container of birdfeed in their locked garage and the bears tried to get at it. I really didn't think I would actually use the bleach on my bear. They don't like the smell. And she backed away after I removed the top from the Clorox jug.
The testosterone is overpowering! Well done, sir. You’ve reached a sweet spot; too old to eat pizza but still young enough to fight a bear...
Yikes! Just yikes!!!
Wow, and well done! I wonder if they stopped across the road on the way to your home!
Right on 23 in south Eg village, about three weeks ago, a VERY BIG bear broke onto my screen porch and then through the glass doors to the mud room. Took the basket of bird seed outside, ate it, and came back for the second basket, but by then I was up, and used an airhorn to move him out of the house, littered with seed and glass and blood, as the poor guy had knicked himself getting through the glass. However, he came back the following night, and it was then I realized it was a new bird seed - Fruit and Berry - that had "called" to him. It smelled like fruit jam and I wondered why they had made it so pungent as birds can't smell. I also wonder if WildBird knows that their fruity odors are a bear magnet? Took the rest to Jug End and dumped it and haven't seen him since. Sorry if he headed south Terry.
Whoah, Susan! That is even more harrowing than my own story. My bears were a sow and a yearling so it doesn't sound like the same clan. If ever I needed a reason not have a bird feeder, you have surely given it to me!
You see I love my birds, and it wasn't the feeders. He didn't touch them.It was the particular seed, Fruit and Berry, I am sure. I have my feeders up all year, but never had anything like this!!! And I think the airhorn is a bit kinder than bleach, should it spill, it could have driven the baby away from her, I want to use the shortest, and least invasive methods for any invasives that come my way - big or small. And hopefully they are in the mountains now enjoying this great weather. happy summer.
I have neighbors who had a large sealed container of birdfeed in their locked garage and the bears tried to get at it. I really didn't think I would actually use the bleach on my bear. They don't like the smell. And she backed away after I removed the top from the Clorox jug.
Wow! Just wow!