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The Overton idea makes the picks make sense. And ,even as a TrueBlue Liberal, I say Joe & Mika need to get over themselves & Rachel same.

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Now with the news that NBC parent Comcast is spinning off its cable news operations (MSNBC, CNBC, USA et al), it's clear that even legacy cable companies have been convinced that cable isn't the future. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ai-photos-showing-girl-students-225332879.html

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You know, even in your sleep-deprived and stressed-out baby-sitting condition, you're making perfect sense (Mika and Joe).Tell little Emmett to quiet down--Grandpa's gotta think!

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Hah. The little guy is now my most trusted policy adviser!

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Trump didn't just open the Overton window with his cabinet picks. He leaped through it and over the cliff, Wile E. Coyote style, and will keep running (or his golf cart/chariot will) until gravity makes its presence known.

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I dislike those almost as much as that smug Rachel Maddow. MSNBC lost all credibility with its non-stop cheerleading for Kamala and not lookngi at the shortocmings icnluiding her condscrnsion and toeing Genocide Joe policies. It appears a good thing from this election lead to a cleaning house of MSNBC and CNN. Now if only MIchael Moore, totally repudiated, would also go away, the Liberals can move on. The Deomcratic Party will never recover before I pass from this planet.

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One thing is certain about the Democratic Party, which was previously the party of working people: the party has lost the working class. And I'm not convinced that moving farther to the left will get them back.

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